Disordered Eating in Davie, FL

Woman holding tablet with GI tract while counseling client | TMZ Behavioral Care in Davie, FL

Disordered Eating in Davie, FL

Understanding Disordered Eating at TMZ Behavioral Care:

What is Disordered Eating?

Disordered Eating encompasses a spectrum of unhealthy eating behaviors, from restrictive diets to compulsive overeating. It’s not just about food; it’s often tied to deeper emotional and psychological issues. While it doesn’t always fit the clinical criteria of an Eating Disorder, it can still be harmful both mentally and physically.

Key Distinctions

Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorders

The primary difference lies in the diagnostic criteria set by the American Psychiatric Association. Disordered Eating is a broader term, while Eating Disorders like anorexia or bulimia have specific diagnostic criteria.

Common Behaviors Include

Restrictive Eating

Setting strict dietary rules or avoiding certain foods

Binge Eating

The act of consuming a large amount of food within a short period

Emotional Eating

Using food to cope with emotional problems


Obsessing over "clean" or "healthy" eating

Yo-yo Dieting

Repeated cycles of weight loss and gain

Recognized Eating Disorders

Anorexia Nervosa

Fear of weight gain leading to severe food restriction. In many individuals, this involves weight loss (or inadequate weight gain in growing children), difficulties maintaining a healthy body weight for their height, age, and stature, and distorted self-images. People with anorexia generally view themselves as overweight, even if they're dangerously underweight. They tend to constantly monitor their weight, avoid eating certain foods, and severely restrict their calories.

Binge Eating Disorder

Regular episodes of uncontrollable binge eating without purging.


Avoidance or restriction of food intake without concerns about body image.

Rumination Disorder

Repetitive regurgitation and rechewing of food.


Eating disturbances that don't fit the criteria for other disorders.

Signs To Watch For

Who's At Risk?

While anyone can experience Disordered Eating, certain groups, like adolescents, females, and those with a history of mental health conditions, may be more susceptible.

Impact of Disordered Eating

Physically, it can lead to bone loss, gastrointestinal issues, and heart problems. Emotionally, it can result in guilt, shame, and social withdrawal.

Seeking Help

At TMZ Behavioral Care, we emphasize the importance of early intervention. If you or someone you know exhibits signs of Disordered Eating or an Eating Disorder, please reach out. Our team of professionals is here to help navigate the path to recovery. This version provides a clear and structured overview of Disordered Eating, explicitly tailored for TMZ Behavioral Care.

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